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Top 5 Activities to Do During the Holidays

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December 14, 2023
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  1. Do a good deed 

It can be as small as paying someone a compliment or as large as volunteering your time for a day. You can also do a good deed by sharing your festive spirit with others!

  1. Visit a senior 

Make someone's day by visiting an elder living home, a senior centre, or other facilities where people may be lonely during the holidays. Call ahead to arrange it and spread some joy! 

Some places to volunteer at: 

  • North York Seniors 
  • Circle of Care
  • Sienna Living
  • Senior Toronto
  • Comfort Life

  1. Go ice skating

Bundle up and head to your local rink to enjoy one of the best winter activities ever. Make it more special by bringing a friend or a family member along. You can be there to teach them the right moves or learn how to skate (Pick a rink with rental skates).

Places to go skating (local):

  • City Hall 
  • Scadding Court Ice Skate
  • Trinity Bellwood Park


  1. Build a snowman 

Ask your family/friends, "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Come together to craft a snowman or split up into teams and turn it into a competition. Afterwards, the loser can buy hot cocoa for everyone from OJJJs! 

  1. Make your own holiday card

Making your own holiday card is perfect for those who like arts and crafts. On top of that, you can make a card for an elderly person in need of festive joy this holiday season and earn your volunteer hours! Sunshine Club meets every Thursday in room 026 and provides an excellent space to do just that!

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