Articles on food, fashion, travel, and more!
Top 5 Lunch Spots Around Harbord
Willow Sauer provides a comprehensive list of Harbord students’ favourite places to get food.
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When is it socially acceptable to listen to Christmas music?
Abhisha Sakthievel polls Harbord students on the topic of Christmas music.
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Study Tips
Arya Bari and Jennifer Zhang provide a helpful list of study tips in light of Harbord's upcoming exam season.

How to dress fashionably warm this winter
Julia Sourtzis-Anderson supplies readers with a list of fashion tips to stay warm over the frigid winter.
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Top 5 Activities to Do During the Holidays
Silver Wu provides a list of fun holiday activities just in time for the winter break.
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Simple Burger: Is Less Really More?
Virginia Ahad and Bella Angel supply a detailed review of the popular restaurant, Simple Burger. Image credits to Nico Cassar.

Rise and Fall: Eco Council’s Favourite Recipes and Volunteer Opportunities
Harbord's Eco Council provides delicious recipes and exciting volunteer opportunities that are perfect for the fall season.
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About Harbord Tigertalk
Welcome to Tigertalk! Harbord Collegiate Institute's very own school newspaper. We bring school connection and student's voices to light through our monthly publications of literature, photography, reporting, interviews, art, and other mixed medias. Our small publication ranges from 10-15 members. Happy Reading!
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