Welcome back! Our first edition is coming this autumn!

Xiao Yin/Silver Wu

At Harbord Collegiate Institute, grade 9 Xiao Yin/Silver Wu is a Tigertalk book writer and photographer. In the mornings, she enjoys drawing or going figure skating. Silver enjoys studying art, and she adores reading J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter book series.‍

Spicy chips
Comfort Food
Not Sure YET
Favourite Song
Dream Job
Fantasy stories and fun comics
What Do You Like To Write About?

Articles by

Xiao Yin/Silver Wu

Climate Change & Warm Weather

Xiao Yin/Silver Wu creates a thought-provoking article on the issue of climate change.

Top 5 Activities to Do During the Holidays

Xiao Yin/Silver Wu provides a list of fun holiday activities just in time for the winter break.

Can you keep Brian alive? Your decisions hold this character’s life in your hands!

Xiao Yin/Silver writes two distinct and alternative endings to Gary Paulsen’s book Hatchet starting from chapter 18.

About Harbord Tigertalk

Welcome to Tigertalk! Harbord Collegiate Institute's very own school newspaper. We bring school connection and student's voices to light through our monthly publications of literature, photography, reporting, interviews, art, and other mixed medias. Our small publication ranges from 10-15 members. Happy Reading!

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Good Story?

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newspaper? Send in a quick contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!